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Viewing: Data Security

Retailers Weigh Cloud Technology Options as Worldwide Usage Soars
Cloud Technology is seemingly everywhere these days – who hasn’t helped their Mom upload embarrassing family photos to iCloud or rescued an abandoned to-do list from Google Drive? Retailers are...

Retail Chains Using Cisco’s Meraki to Maintain Data Security
Retail chains worry about a lot more than just sales figures and customer happiness. They must also deal with store operations, supply chain issues, data security (for both themselves and...

10 Things To Know About PCI Compliance
While consumers are focused on protecting their credit cards from fraud, retailers and credit card companies are busy maintaining their PCI Compliance standards so that consumers stay protected. PCI DSS...

4 Ways Retailers Can Secure POS Systems
Technology has greatly improved our quality of life in many ways – but it has also made us targets for cyber crimes like identity theft. A simple, everyday act like...

What is Blockchain Technology and Why Should You Care?
If you ask a group of people what Blockchain Technology is, you’ll get a split response. Half will say they’ve heard the term, but can’t explain what it is or...

Meltdown and Spectre Vulnerabilities Affecting Point Of Sale Systems
Meltdown and Spectre vulnerabilities are making headlines and causing security headaches. Our customers are asking us about how Spectre and Meltdown will affect point-of-sale security. This is a good time...